These nasty nocturnal creatures are harbingers of disease, carrying and spreading bacteria such as E.coli and salmonella. One female cockroach can produce up to 300 offspring in her lifetime! They can easily transfer dangerous diseases from one food source to the next, which is why they pose such a high safety risk within home kitchens, bars, and restaurants.
Trust the local experts at Castle Extermination Company to handle your cockroach problem before it gets further out of control. Don’t try to kill them one by one. There are hundreds more lurking behind the scenes. You need us! Why? Once cockroaches start reproducing, it’s impossible to keep them from getting out of hand without professional help.
Common cockroach species in New England include:
German roach
American roach
Oriental roach
We have experience getting rid of all of these types of cockroaches, which are nocturnal creatures that get into your home or business looking for shelter, food and water.
Don’t waste time. Call for a free inspection today at (800) 975-6503.